“Stop KXL” in New York (and The New Yorker)

KXL and BofA TowerLast week, there was a rally and March in New York City to send yet-another message to President Obama that the Keystone XL pipeline is a bad idea for the U.S. and for the planet.  This picture juxtaposes two things of which we need more:  loud and focused activism on climate change and superb green buildings like the Bank of America Tower.  I’ve written here a few times about the KXL project.  I’ve also had the privilege of interviewing one of the architects of the BofA Tower, Bob Fox, for my book.  This building is also known as One Bryant Park and is one of the most advanced green buildings of its size in the world.

The salience of the opposition to the Keystone XL project is growing.  One more indication is Elizabeth Kolbert’s eloquent essay in this week’s New Yorker: Lines in the Sand.

I had a nice early evening walk with about five hundred or so demonstrators.  We ambled along from Bryant Park to Park Ave  across the street from the Waldorf Astoria where the President was wooing donors.  Similar demonstrations are taking place across the country.  In San Francisco last month, the President not only heard it from the folks in the street, but also from donors as well, people like Tom Steyer, a staunch opponent of the KXL.  (Some more, very interesting insight from Steyer here from Grist.)

The drums are beating.  It’s good that the President and the Secretary of State, John Kerry, can hear them.  They want to do the right thing.  Our job?  To continue to give them as firm a foundation as possible for doing it.

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