Tell State: No to Keystone XL!

tar-sands-before-afterI have written a few times here and a good number of times at my old blog for the Foreign Policy Association about the many and diverse reasons why the Alberta tar sands are a pox.  You may agree.  If so, you should be on your horse to get your comments into the US Department of State to tell them that the Keystone XL pipeline project, which will substantially enable further development of this planetary insult, should not be approved.  Please go right away to the link here from and register your comments.  The comment period ends soon! Continue reading

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On DeSmogBlog

DSB logoDeSmogBlog, if you don’t know it, is a great resource.  Time named it one of the 25 best blogs of 2011.  They’ve got a great team and hard-hitting stories.  I was happy to have one there a few years back:  The Paradox of Canada’s Tar Sands and America’s Drive to Substantially Decarbonize Energy.

They’ve been good enough to post an excerpt from the book there today.  It’s on the insurance industry’s response to climate change.  Take a look – and definitely bookmark and/or subscribe to DeSmogBlog.

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“Men and Nature”

men and nature -fdrWe were down in Washington this past weekend for a book party. On Saturday we did some sightseeing and went to the FDR Memorial. It is in a lovely spot, on the far side of the Tidal Basin from the Mall and not far from the Jefferson Memorial. This quote, from a “Message to Congress on the Use of Our National Resources” from January 24, 1935 struck me as pretty compelling. Continue reading

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