Podesta and Obama

DSCN1813The star attraction at last week’s energy conference at Columbia was, for my money, John Podesta.  He was Bill Clinton’s chief of staff at the White House, founder of the Center for American Progress – an indispensable think tank, director of the Obama-Biden transition team in 2008, and now Counselor to President Obama.  The principal reason he was brought in for the second term was to help the White House realize its critical goals on climate and energy.  Podesta reminded us that the President considers it a “moral imperative” to act on climate change – as should we all. Continue reading

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Columbia Energy Conference

cgep_banner_home_main3_0I was up at Columbia University Thursday for the Spring 2014 Energy Policy Conference convened by the Center on Global Energy Policy.  The very interesting line up of experts included the head of Statoil, Helge Lund; the former head of Duke Energy (the nation’s largest electric power utility), Jim Rogers; and superstar energy analyst and author, Dan Yergin, among a number of other worthies.  I came to hear John Podesta, Counselor to President Obama, and the White House point man on climate and energy. Continue reading

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